Don’t call it a manhunt. It’s a chicken hunt.
Police in Walker, Louisiana are scratching around for a pesky fowl who has been harassing bank patrons.
The bird has chased customers attempting to use the bank’s ATM and has even tried to invade cars using the drive-through facilities.
The “aggressive chicken” is still on the loose, but police have issued a description along with their “be on the lookout” warning: Reddish-tan in color, approximately 18 inches tall, weighing between six and eight pounds.
Police have released a mugshot of the dastardly bird on Facebook and have warned that in addition to terrorizing bank customers, the chicken has “failed to engage in proper social distancing.”
Florida Man Discovered on Disney Island
A 42-year-old Florida Man has been charged with trespassing after being caught camping out on an island at Disney World during the coronavirus lockdown.
Orange County Sheriff’s deputies discovered the man on what is now known as Disney’s Discovery island. Earlier it had been named Treasure island. It has been abandoned for more than two decades.
“It looked like a tropical paradise,” he told deputies. He claimed he never noticed all the “No Trespassing” signs.
To Have or Have Not a Hemingway Contest

Ernest Hemingway used to hang out at Sloppy Joe’s Bar in Key West. In his honor, the saloon every year holds a look-alike contest that typically draws more than a hundred wannabes.
But the 40th anniversary contest will have to be postponed, another victim of the coronavirus.
“Working together the Look-Alike judges and Sloppy Joe’s agreed this year’s Hemingway Look-Alike Contest will be cancelled,” the bar announced on its website, noting that festivities will resume next year. Hopefully.
The Keys have been on lockdown since March and are not expected to re-open anytime soon.
Gators Need Love, Too
It’s alligator mating season in Florida and police are issuing their annual warning to motorists.
Gators tend to wander in the spring in search of mates, which frequently puts them on the state’s roadways. And smacking into a gigantic reptile in your Prius can be unpleasant. For you. For the gator, not so much.
Recently, police in Bradenton had to remove a 9-foot gator from a road after being spotted, according to police, “being aggressive with traffic.”
“It’s gator mating season. This means they could be more mobile and aggressive than usual,” the Manatee Sheriff’s Office warned.
There are more than a million gators in Florida. And a handful of crocodiles, too. Residents are routinely warned to stay away from bodies of water and to keep pets leashed while walking near ponds and lakes.
But sometimes gators go exploring. Last year, a massive gator—11 feet in length—smashed through ground-floor window of a home in Clearwater where a woman discovered it in her kitchen.
STRANGE FACT: Florida’s crocodile population was nearly extinct but it has experienced a rebound, finding the cooling canals of the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station south of Miami an ideal place to breed.